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This C-Reactive Protein Test is a high sensitivity test that measures levels of c-reactive protein (CRP) in the body.
This C-Reactive Protein Test is a high sensitivity test that measures levels of c-reactive protein (CRP) in the body. CRP is produced primarily in immune cells, liver, and fat cells and levels tend to naturally rise and fall depending on levels of inflammation. When you experience an injury, illness, or other occurrence that would cause inflammation, CRP levels rise dramatically. If CRP levels continue to rise, your physician may suggest alternative treatment options. This C-Reactive Protein Test can be helpful in determining how well your body is healing and physicians can monitor CRP levels to analyze the progress of prescribed treatments.
If you are interested in purchasing our C-reactive protein test, you will be happy to learn about our easy process of providing a sample and awaiting your results. After you purchase the test online, you can find the most convenient location for you by entering your zip code on our Find a Lab page. Check the location hours, then stop by at any time for them to take your sample and process your test.
Once you have completed the in-person blood draw at the testing center, you will get notification of the results to your C-Reactive Protein Test in 24-72 hours. You can then access the results by logging in to our secure portal.
A CRP High Sensitivity Test measures the amount of C-reactive protein found in your blood when the test is conducted. When this protein is found in the blood, it can signify that your body is suffering from some kind of inflammation. Signs of inflammation within the body can vary from person to person. However, there are specific symptoms you can watch out for that may indicate there is an underlying issue, and a C-Reactive Protein1, High Sensitivity Test can be beneficial in identifying the problem.
Symptoms of Inflammation that may show elevated C-Reactive Protein in the blood include:
When it comes to measuring your C-Reactive Protein levels, the High Sensitivity Test we offer at Priority Lab Testing will identify subtle increases in your blood, of the protein. This can allow you to observe any slight increases that can offer a warning of a potential problem before a drastic change occurs.
When you receive your test results, it will indicate the amount of CRP found in your blood in terms of milligrams per liter. Along with your stated result will be a reference range for comparison that will help you see if your results fall within the normal range or are flagged as abnormal and may further specify if the findings are within the low, average or high range.
The C-Reactive Protein Test is helpful if you feel warning signs and symptoms of inflammation within the body to detect whether the protein is elevated in your blood. However, suppose you are looking for additional health markers to get an overall picture of your general health condition. In that case, you should consider our Comprehensive Health Panel, which can offer you results to a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, A1c, CBC, Lipids and Cholesterol, Thyroid Panel including TSH, TIBC, and a urinalysis.
A C-Reactive Protein, High Sensitivity Test is a very specific lab test looking for inflammation in the body. This test is best for people suffering from the signs and symptoms of inflammation that want to see if their CRP is elevated. While a CRP, High Sensitivity Test cannot pinpoint the exact cause of your inflammation, it can guide you on whether further investigation and medical intervention are necessary.
CRP is present in everyone’s blood, but when it increases beyond a normal range, it can indicate that your body is in distress and fighting some kind of inflammation. Elevated CRP levels can increase your risk of heart disease and can happen in individuals that are suffering from conditions such as an infection, obesity, former or current smoker, and high blood pressure. The CRP, High Sensitivity Test, will not be able to tell you why your proteins are elevated, only how much of the protein is in your blood.
If your C-Reactive Protein levels fall outside the normal range, you should follow up with a medical provider to get to the bottom of the underlying issue causing the protein increase in your blood. A medical provider can conduct further tests and provide you with a treatment plan if warranted after analyzing the results of your CRP, High Sensitivity blood test.