Hormone Testing Panels and Tests

Hormone Test Panels

  • Female Hormone Panel (6 tests)

    Our most comprehensive Female Hormone Panel measures levels of estradiol, estrogen, blood cell counts, and more.
  • Male Hormone Panel (6 Tests)

    Our most comprehensive Male Hormone Panel measures testosterone levels, uric acid, blood cell counts, and more.
  • Popular panel

    Testosterone Maintenance/Therapy (4 Tests)

    This Testosterone Maintenance/Therapy Panel is designed to monitor blood components that can be affected during testosterone replacement therapy or other testosterone boosting measures.

Hormone Tests

  • Estradiol Test, Ultrasensitive

    This Estradiol Test is an ultrasensitive test designed to measure the amount of estradiol (a form of estrogen) in the blood.
  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone Test (FSH)

    This Follicle Stimulating Hormone Test (FSH) measures the amount of follicle stimulating hormone in the blood.

Hormone Testing Information

Learn more about your hormone levels with our line of convenient and confidential hormone tests and panels. Hormones are integral in controlling several bodily processes and, if out of balance, can cause us to feel unlike ourselves. Hormone testing can provide a window into physical and mental well-being, allowing you to find a sense of balance once again.

Find Balance Once Again

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to different tissues and organs.1 They then send signals that prompt sexual development, hair growth, metabolism, mood and more. However, hormone levels can fluctuate due to age, new medications or underlying conditions.

Hormone imbalance can cause unpleasant symptoms such as unexplained weight gain, mood swings, insomnia and reduced libido.2 The occasional imbalance due to pregnancy, menstruation, puberty or menopause is normal. But, if you are experiencing chronic or irregular fluctuations, hormone testing can help you find treatment and bring normalcy back into your life.

Signs You Need Hormone Testing

Even slight changes in our hormones can have drastic effects and cause a myriad of health issues. While symptoms will change depending on the hormone, some common signs of hormonal imbalance include:

  • Irregular weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue
  • Increased hunger or thirst
  • Mood swings
  • Hair loss
  • Reduced libido.3

Depending on the hormone, there are a variety of treatment options such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), hormonal birth control and testosterone therapy.3 Hormone testing provides the first step on the path to regaining balance and well-being.

  1. “Hormones.” MedlinePlus. January 27, 2022. https://medlineplus.gov/hormones.html.

  2. “Do You Have a Hormone Imbalance?.” WebMD. August 3, 2021. https://www.webmd.com/women/ss/slideshow-hormone-imbalance.

  3. Corinne O’Keefe Osborn. “Everything You Should Know About Hormonal Imbalance.” Healthline. October 31, 2020. https://www.healthline.com/health/hormonal-imbalance.