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Our Anemia Panel measures red blood cell count to identify signs of anemia. Anemia is a condition where one’s red blood count falls significantly below average or the amount of healthy red blood cells decrease.
Our Anemia Panel measures red blood cell count to identify signs of anemia. Anemia is a condition where one's red blood count falls significantly below average or the amount of healthy red blood cells decrease. Red blood cells ensure that the body receives the necessary oxygen to stay healthy and active. However, someone anemic may experience feelings of extreme fatigue, headache, paleness and shortness of breath among other symptoms. With Priority Lab Testing’s Anemia Panel, signs of anemia may be identified and treatment initiated.
This Anemia Panel measures the following:
To take our anemia panel test, simply put the test in your cart and check out. Then, you can stop in at one of more than 4,000 testing centers across the nation when it’s convenient for you. You don’t need an appointment; just come in when you’re ready. A member of our team will collect a blood sample, and then you’re ready to leave! Most of the time, you’ll need less than half an hour to get in and out of the testing center and take care of everything you need. Within 24-72 hours, in most cases, you’ll have a full look at your results and can proceed with your next steps.
Anemia1 can have a number of common symptoms, including:
In many cases, symptoms of anemia may not be obvious at first. It can take time to fully notice those symptoms, and their gradual onset may make it more difficult to determine whether you have symptoms of anemia. Anemia often results from low iron consumption or high rates of blood loss, but may also result from conditions like pregnancy or heavy periods in women. Furthermore, anemia may result from heavy blood loss or high rates of red blood cell destruction, which can occur as a result of some medical conditions. Identifying symptoms of anemia earlier may make it easier to treat.
Once you receive your results, interpreting them is easy. Our anemia test offers a clear blood test that will offer clear insights into your complete blood count, your total iron binding capacity, your ferritin levels, your vitamin B12 levels, and your folic acid levels.
When you look at your results, you will see three key categories: your results, or the numerical value describing your levels for each test. Then, you will see the “flag” column, which will let you know whether your results fall within normal levels or if you have high or low levels of those substances in your blood. Finally, you will see a “reference range” column that will let you know the normal range for the tests, including your iron binding capacity, B12 levels, ferritin levels, and folic acid levels.
Take a look at our Sample Test Results page for a closer look at what you can expect from our test results.
Sometimes, you may want to have a full anemia panel. If you have significant symptoms of anemia, you may want to conduct a full anemia panel so that you can rule out all possible issues quickly. Furthermore, you may want to have a full anemia panel if you have already had any of the other tests performed and had results within normal levels. On the other hand, you may want to start with a ferritin test if you simply suspect low iron levels. Ferritin is the substance that binds to and releases iron in your blood if needed, so low ferritin levels could cause symptoms of anemia.
Anemia is a condition that results when iron levels in the blood are low. It can cause symptoms of fatigue and weakness. Patients may also look pale or slightly yellow in color.
Yes. High iron levels can cause their own set of health problems. Excess iron can build up in your body, causing organ damage and, in some cases, conditions like heart attack, diabetes, or arthritis.
Most often, high iron levels occur because of an inherited genetic condition that causes the body to absorb too much iron, even when it is consumed in normal amounts. However, high iron levels may also result from excess iron consumption.
Low iron often occurs because you do not have enough iron in your diet or because you have symptoms like chronic blood loss or pregnancy. Women may have higher odds of developing anemia prior to menopause.