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This PSA Total Test measures the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood.
This PSA Total Test measures the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. Elevated serum PSA concentrations can put you at an elevated risk for prostate cancer, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and/or inflammatory prostate conditions. Our PSA Total Test will help you identify areas of improvement to get you back on track and prevent complications.
A PSA total test measures the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level in an individual’s blood. A high PSA may be a sign that they have prostate cancer.
PSA total Tests are a crucial part of prostate cancer screening. A PSA test is a blood test that measures the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in an individual’s blood.
Screening aims to find early signs of prostate cancer so it can be treated before it becomes life-threatening—a PSA total test checks for both elevated and normal PSA levels.
Elevated PSA levels may signal prostate cancer, but they can also be caused by other conditions, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Normal PSA levels do not always mean that someone has no prostate cancer, but they do not usually indicate any risk.
All you need to do to take our PSA total test is order online and get to one of our 4,000+ nationwide testing facilities.
The test is done by drawing blood which is then analyzed in a CLIA-certified laboratory. The entire process is painless and fast, and you’ll be done in under half an hour. Results are typically ready within 24-72 hours.
If you experience any of the following symptoms1, it’s essential to consider taking a PSA total test and scheduling a check-up with a doctor:
Remember, any or all of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions and shouldn’t be used to make an independent diagnosis.
The results are delivered via our secure portal detailing your PSA levels and a section that details in plain language what the levels mean.
There are several things to consider when interpreting your PSA total test result. First, your PSA level may be elevated because of benign (non-cancerous) prostate enlargement or infection.
Second, your PSA level may also be elevated if you have prostate cancer. However, even if your PSA level is high, it doesn’t always mean you have prostate cancer.
Third, if your PSA level is low, it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have prostate cancer. Sometimes other factors (like age or genetics) can play a role in how likely a person is to develop prostate cancer.
Finally, some individuals with high PSA levels may not have prostate cancer – their levels could still be high because of another condition. Talk to your doctor about your results and what they mean for a conclusive diagnosis.
Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate gland is responsible for producing semen. Prostate cancer may also occur in other body parts, such as the bone or lymph nodes.
Most prostate cancers are slow-growing and can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
There is no definitive answer to this question as the prevalence rate of prostate cancer can vary depending on the study. However, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH),2 prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and the second leading3 cause of cancer-related death in American men. The incidence of prostate cancer increases with age, but it is most commonly found in men over 65 years of age.
African-American men are more than twice as likely as white men to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and Native American and Alaskan Native men are the least likely to be diagnosed with the disease. Individuals with a family history of prostate cancer are also at a greater risk of developing the disease.
There is not yet a definitive understanding of why certain demographic groups are more prone to prostate cancer. Still, research suggests a combination of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and exposure to environmental toxins may be at play.
Anyone age 50 or older with a risk of developing prostate cancer should take a PSA total test. The test can help to determine if someone has prostate cancer and inform appropriate treatment.
A PSA total test can detect prostate cancer in its early stages. This is vital since the prognosis for the condition when it’s detected late is typically bleak.
The earlier prostate cancer is detected and treated, the better.