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Specific for men above the age of 50, this PSA Free and Total Test determines the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood as well as the percentage of free PSA.
Specific for men above the age of 50, this PSA Free and Total Test determines the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood as well as the percentage of free PSA. Knowing the percentage of free PSA compared to the total PSA can give physicians a better idea of your potential prostate cancer risks. In addition, by identifying the percentage of free PSA, this PSA Free and Total Test (men 50+) may aid in avoiding unnecessary biopsies.
A PSA, Free and Total Men, is a test designed to detect prostate cancer in men over 50 by measuring PSA levels.
This test is especially crucial since individuals fitting this profile are more likely to develop prostate cancer than other groups. At age 50 or more, most men typically have a high PSA presence in their bodies, but it may not conclusively indicate that they are at risk of prostate cancer.
A PSA, Free, and Total men test works by evaluating two components. Free and bound PSA. Since 1986 when the FDA approved its use, the PSA test has relied on measuring PSA levels, and by default, abnormally high levels of PSA in the blood have always been indicative of developing prostate cancer.
However, it has been established that some factors may temporarily elevate PSA levels, leading to false positives with the initial PSA test.
PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, is a protein synthesized by the prostate gland cells. It also exists in two forms in the body:
Unbound or free PSA – refers to PSA that exists unattached to other proteins in the body.
Bound PSA – as the name suggests, refers to PSA bound with other proteins.
A PSA, Free and Total Men test works by measuring the levels of both free and bound PSA in the body. This helps to minimize the occurrence of false positives, given that individuals over 50 generally have elevated PSA levels.
The test procedure usually involves a minimal and painless blood draw, and the samples are evaluated at our CLIA-certified laboratories. This takes about 30 minutes or less, and you can expect results within 24 or, at most, 72 hours.
All you need to get a PSA, Free, and Total Men test is to order one online and get to one of our 4,000+ testing facilities.
If you experience any or all of these symptoms, it’s vital to consider taking a PSA Free and Total test and scheduling an appointment with a doctor:
While you may exhibit some or all of these symptoms, it doesn’t mean you have or are at risk of developing prostate cancer. There could be other reasons or conditions causing the symptoms, and it’s best to test and seek an informed diagnosis from a medical doctor.
We deliver test results via a secure portal within 24 and 72 hours.
The test results will indicate in plain language your total PSA level and the free/total PSA ratio; and what this means.
Remember, many factors can elevate PSA levels in the body, and a high PSA level shouldn’t alarm you. It could be due to age, rigorous physical activity, or inflammation.
Similarly, while low PSA levels can directly translate to a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer, it’s not always the case. Low PSA levels can be attributed to genetics, age, body weight, and smoking.
Therefore, consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis or whenever you’re in doubt.
The free/total PSA ratio is usually expressed as a percentage, otherwise termed as percent-free PSA.
A percent-free PSA of 25 percent or more is generally safe and normal. Anything lower is a cause for concern, and your doctor may conduct further tests for a more conclusive diagnosis.
Anything above 2.5ng/ml is high for individuals between 40 and 49 years. 4-4.5ng/ml is the lower limit for those 50 years and above.
10ng/ml or more of PSA in the blood is a worryingly high level across all ages and ethnicities and may indicate an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Still, a doctor’s informed diagnosis is recommended before jumping to any conclusion.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) can exist in the human body in two forms. Either in a free state or where it’s bound to other protein(s).
Bound PSA can be detected in blood, while free PSA is mostly found in semen.
The difference between free PSA vs. total PSA is that the former tests for unbound PSA in the body, while the latter measures free and bound PSA.
In most cases, the total PSA precedes free PSA. The results of the total PSA (i.e., total PSA level of 4-10 ng/ml) may prompt the doctor to request a follow-up free PSA test.
Free PSA: Test, results, and prostate cancer. Medicalnewstoday.com. (2022). Retrieved 18 October 2022, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322001#other-factors.
Lee, S. (2022). Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Canadian Cancer Society. Retrieved 18 October 2022, from https://cancer.ca/en/treatments/tests-and-procedures/prostate-specific-antigen-psa-test#:~:text=A%20percent%2Dfree%20PSA%20above,is%20around%2012%25%20or%20less.
Prostate Cancer Screening Tests. Cancer.org. (2022). Retrieved 18 October 2022, from https://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostate-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/tests.html#:~:text=Many%20doctors%20use%20a%20PSA,4%20ng%2FmL%20of%20blood.
test?. (2022). Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test. National Cancer Institute. Retrieved 18 October 2022, from https://www.cancer.gov/types/prostate/psa-fact-sheet.
What is the difference between PSA and free PSA? – Harvard Health. Harvard Health. (2022). Retrieved 18 October 2022, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-psa-and-free-psa-20091001114.