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This Magnesium Blood Test measures the amount of magnesium in the blood serum and analyzes it for toxicity.
This Magnesium Blood Test measures the amount of magnesium in the blood serum and analyzes it for toxicity. This is a common blood serum test for those living with kidney disease or disorders. Magnesium deficiencies can lead to cramping, fatigue, nausea, and heart conditions. An excess of magnesium can contribute to kidney failure or Addison disease. Those with magnesium deficiencies might consider adding more spinach, fish, and nuts to their diets as these foods are rich in magnesium. Identify what your magnesium levels are with our accurate Magnesium Blood Test.
Checking your Magnesium levels at Priority Lab Testing will take just a few minutes of your day. First, purchase the Magnesium blood test online. After your purchase is successful, decide on the best lab location to fit your needs as far as distance and hours of operation. We provide a vast network of lab partners that can accommodate your testing needs without needing an appointment.
We have over 4,000 locations across the country. The Magnesium Blood Test does not require any preparation, such as fasting. Instead, the test consists of a simple blood draw done quickly, painlessly, and without lasting effects. Following the test, you can expect to receive your results in just 24-72 hours.
Magnesium1 is a mineral found in your blood that aids your body’s functions. Too little or too much Magnesium can cause detrimental impacts on your health. Monitoring your Magnesium levels every so often can help you stay on top of your health and make changes, if necessary, to add or reduce Magnesium intake.
Many people unknowingly suffer from a magnesium deficiency as they do not consume enough natural sources of Magnesium in their diet. A magnesium deficiency over time can cause inflammation and other subsequent impacts on your health, such as elevated blood pressure, and puts you at risk for heart-related health conditions. For people with low Magnesium levels caused by medical conditions or certain prescription medications, a Magnesium supplement could be recommended by a doctor.
Balancing Magnesium in your body is essential. While taking supplements may be necessary for some people, in most cases, individuals can safely raise their Magnesium levels naturally with food sources. Certain medical conditions and supplement intake can increase the risk of raising Magnesium levels in your body too much. An excess of Magnesium in the body can have toxic effects on your health, causing uncomfortable symptoms and, in some cases, can be life-threatening.
When interpreting your Magnesium Blood Test results, your lab report will include a reference range indicating what is normal. Then it will show the level of Magnesium in your blood and whether your numbers fall within the normal range. If your Magnesium levels are high, you will be flagged with an (H) and if low will see an (L) flag.
The Magnesium Blood Test only checks the Magnesium levels in your blood. However, many minerals are essential to your body’s functioning. If you want to check the levels of the five most common minerals, consider the Comprehensive Mineral Panel.
Evaluation of mineral levels such as Magnesium is not commonly part of routine blood work. In most cases, doctors only check mineral levels when a problem arises. Managing your mineral levels, however, can help reduce your risk of certain conditions and help you keep your body in balance. With Priority Lab Testing, you do not need a doctor’s appointment to get a Magnesium Blood Test. Just purchase the test online and stop into our lab to provide a sample.
Anyone can benefit from checking their Magnesium levels as well as other essential vitamins and minerals in the body. However, people with certain medical conditions could be at higher risk of low Magnesium and should keep a close eye on their levels with routine tests to analyze and compare levels over time.