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Basic Health Panel

This Basic Health Panel includes three routine tests designed to give you and your physician a basic idea of how your bodily systems are functioning.

Order panel
Test Preparation:
Fasting is required (i.e. no eating or drinking anything besides water for at least 8 hours prior to testing).
Testing Method:
Blood draw

This Basic Health Panel includes three routine tests designed to give you and your physician a basic idea of how your bodily systems are functioning. By measuring a series of components in the blood, you’ll be able to have a better understanding of your general health and know in what areas you might be at a higher risk. From there, your physician will be able to make suggestions to get you back on the path to proper health.

The Basic Health Panel measures the following:

  1. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  2. Hemoglobin A1c 
  3. Lipids and Cholesterol

How Our Basic Health Panel Tests Work

Our basic health panel tests are designed to screen for common health conditions and help you assess your risk for developing certain diseases. Once you book your basic health panel, you won’t need an appointment.

We have over 4,000 testing facilities across the country. All you’ll need to do is pick one that’s near you and visit at your convenience. One of our certified staff members will take a blood sample using the prick method. Don’t worry. It will be as fast as it is painless.

When preparing for the basic health panel tests, you don’t need to set aside a big chunk of your day. We understand that you have a busy schedule. That’s why ensure the process only lasts a few minutes.

What Does the Basic Health Panel Include?

The basic health panel involves three tests to screen for common health conditions. These are the:

Why Get the Basic Health Panel

The basic health panel aims to help you assess your risk of developing certain diseases. These tests can also monitor your current health status or check for side effects from medications.

If you’re feeling healthy and have no reason to believe that you might be at risk for any diseases, you might still want to get the basic health panel. This is because some conditions, such as high cholesterol, often have no symptoms. 

So, getting screened can help you catch these conditions early and take steps to prevent them from progressing.

When to Get the Basic Health Panel

There’s no wrong time to get the basic health panel. However, you might want to consider getting it done every one to two years. This way, you can keep track of your health and make sure that any changes are due to normal aging and not something more serious.

If you have a family history of certain diseases or other risk factors, you might need to get the basic health panel more often. Your doctor can help you determine how often you should get tested.

Basic Health Panel Vs. Comprehensive Health Panel

As mentioned, the basic health panel screens for common health conditions. It includes three tests: the CMP, CBC, and lipid panel. However, you might want a more comprehensive screening. 

In this case, you can get a comprehensive health panel. This panel includes all of the tests in the basic health panel, plus additional tests to screen for other conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid problems
  • Anemia
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Infectious diseases
  • HIV

The comprehensive health panel is a more extensive screen and can give you a clearer picture of your health. However, it’s not necessarily better, and it’s important to remember that no test is perfect. 

So, even if your results come back normal, it’s still important to see your doctor for regular check-ups.


  • At Priority Lab Testing, we put customer satisfaction at the forefront. Therefore, you’ll have your test result in 24 to 72 hours.

  • In most cases, you don’t need to do anything special to prepare for the basic health panel. However, you might want to fast for 12 hours and drink plenty of water before your appointment if your doctor is also going to test your lipid levels.

  • Yes, you can. The tests will not harm your baby in any way.

  • If you test positive for any conditions, we will reach out to you and connect with a doctor who can help.

  • If you’re still undecided, feel free to contact our customer service. We would be happy to help you make a decision.